Rodolfo Brenes Vargas
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Litigation. Criminal Law and Defense. Communications Law. Regional head of anti-corruption & investigations practice.
San José, Costa Rica, 1976.
1999, Costa Rica; Public Notary.
University of Costa Rica (Licentiate in Law); Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris I), PhD in Juridical Sciences, with highest honors; Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II), Master’s degree in Communications Law, with honors and highest GPA; Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris I), Master’s degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Policy, with honors and highest GPA.
Author: “Liberté d’expression et droit à l’honneur au Costa Rica. Un encadrement juridique qui devrait évoluer”, in Archives de Politique Criminelle, 2018; “Contribution à l’étude des abus de la liberté d’expression dans le domaine judiciaire. Étude de politique criminelle. L’exemple de la France et du Costa Rica”. Doctoral thesis, 2016; “L’étendue protection des droits de la défense au Costa Rica”, in Archives de Politique Criminelle, 2015, Paris, France; “Chronicle of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 2012 rulings”, in International Review of Penal Law, 2013-1; “Chronicle of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”, in International Review of Penal Law, 2012, 1/2; “Chronicle of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. « La regulación penal de la libertad de expresión en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos », in International Review of Penal Law, 2009, 1/2; “La victime en Espagne: acteur privilégié du procès pénal”, co-author Alberto Poletti Adorno. Chapter of the book “La victime sur la scène pénale en Europe », Paris, 2008, PUF; “Human Rights chronicle: "Liberté d´expression et droit pénal devant la Cour Interaméricaine des Droits de l’Homme” in «Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Pénal Comparé» # 2-2007; “Justice et médias. Aspects de droit penal”, master’s thesis, University of Paris II, jury’s honorable mention; “Délits de presse et jurisprudence de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme”, master’s thesis, University of Paris I. Has published many opinion articles in newspapers and radio editorial programs and has participated as speaker in congresses in Costa Rica and France.
Costa Rican Bar Association.
Spanish, English and French.